Caping an Elk or Deer
for a Shoulder Mount
In case you get a good animal down, you need to know how to cape out a big game animal properly. It's not hard to do, but it's easy to make a mistake that will make it impossible for your taxidermist to preserve your cape with your antlers.
The most common mistake is not giving the taxidermist enough hide to work with. A general rule of thumb is to make a circumference cut about halfway down the rib cage.
The second most common error is not taking care of the cape so the hair doesn't "slip" (causing it to fall out.)
There is a new page on ElkHuntingTips.Net with step by step instructions, drawings and a video of the process of
Caping a Shoulder Mount here.
Elk Hunting Video Contest
I am ready to commit to having an elk hunting video contest on a dedicated page of ElkHuntingTips.Net. There will be equipment prizes to the top submissions, including the X3 Trophy Knife and other valuable gear.
The contest will officially begin after the holidays. I am not prepared (literally) to announce the rules and procedures, etc. at this point.
However, you are welcome to go ahead and send me links to your YouTube videos of your hunt. I would recommend keeping them to 3 to 5 minutes max. Visitors to the elk hunting video page will score the videos to influence the final outcome. They will rank the videos they like for things like the excitement factor, entertainment factor, realistic factor, interest factor, etc. You could win, even if you don't kill the elk in the video.
The particulars will progress with time. Feel free to send us a link to your video at the Contact Us link below. The contest will start after the hunting seasons are over and a winner will be selected in January, 2014.
Share Your 2013 Elk Hunting Stories
Please share your experiences during this hunting season, including pictures
on this page.
Don't forget to upload some pictures, if you have them. Successful hunts don't always include an elk kill. If you had some "close encounters of the herd kind", share the experience! What did you learn? What would you do different?
A summary and links to the reports submitted thus far are on this page:
2013 Hunting Reports
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