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Quick Elk Hunting Tips 03-25-14
March 26, 2014

How-to Videos: Quartering, Caping, Packing on a Horse

We have an agreement with Wagon Hound Outfitting to use their how-to videos on ElkHuntingTips.Net. There is one on caping an elk in the field, packing quarters on horses, and quartering an elk in the field. Feel free to take a look at those.

Elk Hunting Video Contest Results

The Elk Hunting Video Contest for 2013 is complete! There were some really good videos submitted for the contest. You can see them all at the link above. The top three selected by the judges were: Switchback Outdoors, BigSkyHunterMT, and "4th weekend clips, Wyoming".

Thanks to Jerry, Mardee, Shana, and Barry for scoring the videos!

Hone up your video skills this fall and submit yours after the 2014 season is over. I learned a lot from these folks about how to video elk hunts. I'm looking forward to being more aggressive with my cameras during the rut!

If you have some fair chase videos of your past elk hunts that you want posted somewhere besides in the middle of the YouTube galaxy,

Send us the links and we will put them on the pages of ElkHuntingTips.Net.

Quick Tip: Learn the Language with Elk Nut Productions

The best quick tip I can give you this time of year is to start learning and practicing the complex elk language. In all honesty, the best resource for that is Elk Nut's Sounds of the Elk CD and Playbook. You will find that combo at a reduced price and free shipping at that link. (I pack and ship those to you myself right here in Garrison, MT.)

Elk language is complex and there is much to learn. Paul has done the research. These resources are so thorough, you will need to spend some time reading, listening and practicing over and over to improve your knowledge and elk language skills. You can take the field ready Playbook with you in your pack or cargo pocket. I recommend that you do. I certainly do.

Bugling Bull Elk Calls

Of course, you'll need some elk calls to practice with. I have chosen to offer Rocky and Corey Jacobsen's Bugling Bull Game Calls on ElkHuntingTips.Net because I'm convinced they make some of the best sounding, user-friendly and most innovative calls on the market. Again, I pack and ship these to you myself and do not charge shipping (for delivery in the U.S.A.).

ASAT Reaper Ground Blinds are Back!

If you've spent much time on ElkHuntingTips.Net you know by now that I am a staunch ASAT camo believer. I just got word today from Rob at ASAT that the Reaper ground blind is back! There shouldn't be any hurry to get one... UNLESS you're turkey hunting this spring! I'll eat the shipping cost. Rob, the owner of ASAT, will pack and ship it to you from the warehouse 45 miles from here.

OK, enough shameless promotion of sales. (We don't sell anything we don't use and feel strongly about!)

New Page and Video About Scoring Antlers in the Works

We went to Boone and Crockett headquarters in Missoula, Montana the end of December and interviewed one of the official scorers. We video recorded the interview as he showed step-by-step how to do it. I am editing the video and typing up the instructions in concise, easy to follow wording, so you can follow the precise B&C process for scoring. I'll have that ready for you as soon as I can. I'll let you know when it is available via this newsletter.

Time to Start Training for the Hunt

Another thing fall hunters should be starting up this time of year is getting fit for hunting. I'm training for my annual spring marathon and I'm doing the strengthening exercises listed on that page and more. I'll still eventually get tired chasing elk, but I don't want to be injured or sore while I'm doing it!

If you have a chance to do some kind of shed hunting, it would be great fitness training for hunting!

Share Your 2013 Elk Hunting Stories...

Please share your experiences during elk hunting season, including pictures on this page. Don't forget to upload some pictures, if you have them. Successful hunts don't always include an elk kill. If you had some "close encounters of the herd kind", share the experience! What did you learn? What would you do different?

A summary and links to the reports submitted thus far are on this page: 2013 Hunting Reports

Products Available at Low Pricing and Free Shipping

Your support of ElkHuntingTips.Net through purchases of products from the site, or by visiting our advertisers is appreciated. Keep us in mind when you're doing your Christmas shopping!

Montana Decoys

Bugling Bull Game Calls

ElkNut's Calling Productions

String Sling Bow Sling

Safari Rifle Sling

Skull Hooker Mounting Bracket

Free Customized Hunting Maps
As always, we appreciate your support of ElkHuntingTips.Net when you visit the site and our sponsers, or purchase products that we sell direct to you.

Feel free to contact us. We enjoy hearing from you and personally answer every message.

Happy spring from Garrison, MT!

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