New Page About Spot
and Stalk Elk Hunting
Plans for stalking elk are like plans for going to war. The plans change as soon as boots hit the ground! For that reason, I have put off writing this particular page. In reality, it would take an entire book to cover the possible elk spotting and stalking scenarios that could play out.
I decided to go ahead and cut to the chase and started typing. You can see the
new page about spot and stalking elk here.
I'm sure it will be added to and changed in the future.
Since this page is just a starting point, please add your comments at the bottom of that page. What have you experienced? What would you like to ask of those who have some experience? (Use the form at the bottom of the
stalking elk page.
Archery and Early Seasons Almost Here!
I hope your elk hunt draws were successful. Let us know what your plans are at the
Elk Hunting Forums.
I drew a Cow B elk permit in Montana. That means I can shoot two elk. One has to be a cow, so plenty of meat is expected to be in the Rowell freezer this fall!
Print Topo Maps for Free
Don't forget to check out the
new Hunting Maps page
where you can print your own topo hunting maps from your computer for free.
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Hunting Gear Review page.
If you've got some on-line shopping to do, please start from a Cabela's link or any other affiliate link on our site. Thanks for your support!
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