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BackCountry Hunting: Leaving Base Camp Behind June 18, 2012 |
BackCountry Hunting: Camp is Where the Sun Goes DownThe lure of backcountry hunting is that camp is where you are when the sun goes behind the horizon. Hunting starts from where you crawl out of the sack in the morning. No need to traipse back and forth from base camp. Just go with the flow of the elk herds. I asked Casey Albert to write about his 19 years of experience in backcountry hunting. He has been hunting with camp on his back on public land since 1992. He is a stickler for details in order to make these forays into rugged mountainous back country safe, comfortable, enjoyable and effective. In this series on backcountry hunting he will share with you some of the adventures of the hunt, as well as the details of what to take and how to pack it. His goal is to save you the back wrenching, body wracking experience of learning the hard way. It's all about ounces, not pounds, that are carefully placed in your backpack so as to put the center of gravity in just the right place.
You Don't Have to Sleep on the GroundCasey will discuss many items and ideas you never thought of that will make your backcountry hunting much more comfortable and pleasurable. Have you ever thought of taking a hammock with you on a backcountry hunting trip? Well, it's not your typical backyard hammock he'll tell you about!If you set up one of these hammocks in the mountains, you will never want to sleep on the ground again. (No more sleeping pads.) He'll show you how to keep the hammock warm, dry and comfy, even if you're a side sleeper and without a tent. Comfortable in a hammock? All night long? Yep! Check it out.
Detail-oriented Pack ListHe will share his packing list with you with all the details, including where to place each item in your pack. You will read about what he carries and what he no longer carries "just in case". He has taken those unnecesary, "never used" items off the list. His pack list improves every year because he is a detail-oriented person. It gets lighter and more comfortable with each improvement.If you're planning to forsake base camp and bypass spike camps to follow a bugle where it leads you, don't miss this series. The first page is already up and we're working on the next page now. Go directly to the
BackCountry Hunting page by clicking here.
We would love it if you would add your backcountry experiences and knowledge to the pages. There will be a place at the bottom of the pages to share your comments. (You don't have to have a Facebook account to share.)
Get Fit!Regardless of how you're going to hunt elk, get started training your body by now for a fall hunt. Revisit the Hunting Fitness page now.As always, feel free to Contact Us Directly. We enjoy hearing from you and personally answer every message. |
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